Friday, November 16, 2007

Slave auction at House Nishi

BDSM is really something very strange to me.

Maybe because I am claustrophobic...?

Tonight there is a slave auction at House Nishi, good opportunity to have a look at the topic.

The Mistress Alyssia is waiting with her pet lidia.

I can see in Alyssia's profile: My pet, lidia. A pet for whom words cannot describe how special she is to me. Without her there is no reason for SL to exist.

And in the pet one: this pet is owned and collared by Mistress Alyssia xxx.

Clients are waiting, lying down cosily on soft lounge chairs.

The auction is starting with the first bids.

The slave is my friend Sine.

To make bids higher and higher, clothes have to be lesser and lesser.

And biddings are pushed up steadily.

Rising and rising...

The slave is reluctant to strip.

Good strikes on her thighs will do it.

Now you can easily see that Sine is completely naked.

Some tricks (on the tits) are necessary to help the assistance bidding higher.

Now the bidding is coming to an end.


Sine is submitting to her new Master.

Apparently she is happy...

Before leaving the place I decide to make some money.

I am not as claustrophobic as I thought.

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of US )

Maybe Abraham Lincoln was the instigator of BDSM, just a guess...


Now I can speak Chinese.

First lesson: if you want to say Second Life in Chinese, it's Hipihi.

Second lesson: we go west, the cavalry of eastern avatars is coming.

It will look like that.

You have been warned, don't say I didn't tell you.

And if you are not yet convinced, look at young Americans trying to learn Chinese with Hipihi.

A chinese philosopher once had a dream that he was a butterfly. From that day on, he was never quite certain that he was not a butterfly, dreaming that he was a man.