Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You have got a spam

I just have received this magnificent spam!


Are you a ffrequent visitor of retaail softtware stores?
We know what you're overpayinng for:
- box mannufacturing
- CD
- ssalesperson salary
- Reent of shop spaace
- Year-to-yeear increaasing taxes in your counttry
Well, what for ?! You're able to doownload everythiing legally NOW!
FFabulous range of softtware and LOW prices will make you smile and save your money! Welcome to http://myradiefenderferxx.blogspot.com

The man pulled himself together, and faced us them. You must
be tired after the wild excitement gingerly on to the platform
in its place. He wrinkled poirot because mr. Goby never
looked at such remarks of birds and other animals, such
as deer. They she was drowsy, hemmed in by the storm. She
sighed: would not prevent it. We cannot emancipate them
murder, said orlando, advancing. Don't you seeit he would
explain to her that she must not think turned her head away
and fainted. Madame homais, punishment, he passed didn't
mrs. Allen give you round to look at the frenchmen. They
had altogether all right,'' said lincoln, when conwell finished.
do to help him? Nothing. He was out of her reach. A wink
of sleep, and i am perfectly wornout with.

You can admire the perfection of the approach, as Google didn't locate it and let it reach my in-box.

The first part is the message itself, with duplicated letters so that Google didn't perceive the spam, for example "ffrequent visitor of retaail softtware"
Obviously frequent, retail and software are words that attract the attention of Google's robots...

The second part is a decoy, its purpose is only to deceive Google, well done!

If you trust Google more than your doctor then maybe it's time to switch doctors.
Jadelr and Cristina Cordova, Chasing Windmills, 08-21-06

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