Sofian the SLiberator?Rumours abound! Some say the Editor in Chief of Second Life at Hand has been kidnapped and a huge Linden dollar ransom is being demanded. Others have heard that she has retreated to become a Buddhist nun. Yet others suggest that she has become addicted to camping and is snoozing in a shopping mall.
The most recent suggestion is that she was following a hot lead as part of her research into griefers. Her usually very tidy office desk was found covered with a pile of blog posts which all made references to griefers. Amongst these was a page of scrawled hand writing with a slurl so badly smudged it was unreadable. This same page had the words 'griefers? griefers? griefers?' written all over it.
The theory here at SLaH is that Sofian followed this lead and has somehow met up with the SLiberation Brigade. We believe she has joined them and is now fighting SLinjustice, avatar imposters and grief to make Second Life a better place for all.
The photo above was taken by an anonymous source using disabled camera constraints at an unnamed location. Close examination of the original photograph makes us 27% certain that this is indeed ‘Sofian the Sliberator’.
This is bullshit!
Sofian is the greatest griefer of Second Life!!
And she is the stupidiest person I have ever met!!!
Koprofy Vena
to refresh your "bye-bye-love 1001 reasons to leave U asshole " widget (if possible to read this from here) - and I said uh-uh, impossible should have better read the warning before.
well, you know where it came from
mais dis, tu causes La France toi ou quoi ?
Salut may nat,
Tu causes plutôt bien pour une mainate, mais ce n'est pas étonnant : mainate + marseillaise = mélange très prolixe!
Donc ton widget se détériore avec les intempéries et il faut de temps en temps lui redonner un petit coup de pinceau.
Ton blog parait plutôt rigolo, manque de chance, j'ai décidé de prendre congé de la blogosphère pendant une certaine période, garde-le moi bien au chaud pour quand je reviendrai;)
Et voici ma contribution en attendant :
"Mon anniversaire c'était il y a quinze jours, pauv'con!"
J'ai pas vérifié si c'était déjà dans la liste, si c'est le cas tu peux le mentionner en gras!
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