Winternight -
the Sound
of the fridge
Kjøleskapets lyder
- vinternatt
This Haiku is also published at the swedish website "Haikurymden".
Arm Strom
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Winternight -
the Sound
of the fridge
Kjøleskapets lyder
- vinternatt
This Haiku is also published at the swedish website "Haikurymden".
Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
10:03 AM
Song: Annie Lennox "Something So Right".
Video: Per Eidspjeld "Numb by numbers".
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:10 PM
1 commentaires
London, Hanoi, Katmandu, Jakarta, Bucuresti, Hawaii and the Faro islands. Manchester, Toulouse, Oslo ...
4665 visitors around the globe, from 13th March to 11th November 2009. A total of 16617, since 12th March 2008.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
8:29 AM
Libellés : Arm, ClustrMaps, Feedjit, StatCounter, statistics
Images of Masculinity in Disney Films. Inequality Project by Sanjay Newton. Presented on You-tube April 12, 2007.
Publié par
Arm Strom
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4:07 AM
Publié par
Arm Strom
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8:17 AM
Libellés : Arm, Beatrix Newt, Carnival of Doom, machinima, Mhyst, Rezzable, video
Among my first experiences in Second life, as a newbie two years ago, was the celebration of halloween. And this snapshot was one of my first in Second life.
Yesterday, on Halloween, i published a machinima:
"Eye of Newt".The environment in this machinima/video is made by Beatrix Newt, a magical virtual artist and Rezzable contentcreator.
Arm Strom
...and the recipe "for a charm of powerful trouble" :-)
"Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog"
The archetypal recipe for spells and enchantments.
This is the well-known incantation of the Three Witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth, 1605:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Second Witch:
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
We now see the three witches' brew as a hocus-pocus spell, much imitated by spoof witches in comedies and hardly to be taken seriously. In Shakespeare's day the effect would have been rather different and he could have expected a significant proportion of the audience to have taken the magic potion storyline literally".Quote from:
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
1:20 AM
Libellés : Arm, Arm Strom, avatar, Beatrix Newt, Carnival of Doom, machinima, Mhyst, Rezzable, video
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
10:43 AM
The project of Soror Nishi, the colors and shapes appeals to me. It is artistic.
The landscape is fantastic and cartonish. The geology and the botany credible. The world of Soror is natural, organic and imaginative at the same time.
"The Temple of the Prim" is hosted by Mab MacMoragh at the sim Magoo in Second life.
Text and snapshots: Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
6:17 AM
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Libellés : Arm, Mab MacMoragh, Soror Nishi
Second life and real life snapshot: Arm Strom
There has been a pleasure participating at Brooklyn is watching, and at "the SLon des Refusés" this summer. I have to admit that it has been an overwhelming experience too.
I did meet this heavy loaded vehicle in real life last week (picture above). Place and date: Råde, Norway Sept.10. I got inspired to sort my memory and inventory.
SLon des Refusés: organized by digital curator MonCherrie Afterthought with Dekka Raymaker, Arahan Claveau, and Mab MacMoragh. We were invited to the sim Magoo.
Mab MacMoraghs pictures at Flickr: Mab MacMoragh Art links
Slon party Aug.8 / Tuna Oddfellow's spectacular show
... and MacMoraghs "Soup" blogg.
Thank you.
Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
6:37 AM
Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Dekka Raymaker, Mab MacMoragh, SLon des Refusés 2009, Tuna Oddfellow
"SLon des Refusés 2009" by MonCherrie Afterthought on August 1st, 2009.
Landmark/The Second life sim Magoo
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
2:10 PM
1 commentaires
Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Dekka Raymaker, Mab MacMoragh, SLon des Refusés 2009
"Avatar (Mini project 1)".
Avatar (Mini Project 1) from Lainy Voom on Vimeo.
Trace Sanderson (known in virtual space as Lainy Voom).
Trace Sanderson/Lainy Voom is a digital artist based in the UK with a focus on animation captured in real time within virtual worlds and game engines.
Lainy Voom is also joint creator of The Virtual Build Archive, which documents some of the most beautiful builds within the virtual world, Second Life.
The Virtual Build Archive (VBA):
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
11:25 AM
Libellés : Arm, avatar, Lainy Voom, machinima, The Virtual Build Archive, video
Pipe dream. Animusic. Music driven computer animation.
Artists: Wayne Lytle and David Crognale.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
1:39 PM
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Footprints, iceblock, wasps and "fur objects".
In february 2009 i did show various builds, under water, at the sim Brooklyn is watching in Second life. Among them the project on the picture above.
The Best of BIW Year 1 festival.
I am among the 72 avatar - builders/artists nominated. I am happy and proud.
Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
10:24 AM
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Libellés : Arm, Arm Strom, Brooklyn is watching
Digital graphic art and slideshow: Arm Strom
I am combining ink drawings, photos, and Second life snapshots taken at the sim Brooklyn is watching, "BIW", in Second life.
Snapshots of "Cuboid shark eats cuboid goldfish" by Dekka Raymaker, "Member" by Selavy Oh, and my project "Weights and wasps".
I am intrigued by the underwater "atmosphere" of virtual environments. The freedom, the weightlessness and lights.
And, i am concerned abouth the future of the sea, this "aquarium", the vulnerable system...
Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
4:38 AM
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Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Dekka Raymaker, Selavy Oh, video
"Donald McCullin, FRPS CBE (b. October 9, 1935, London, England), is an internationally-regarded British photojournalist, particularly recognised for his war photography and images of urban strife. His photojournalism career, which began in 1959, has specialised in examining the underside of society, and his photographs have depicted the unemployed, downtrodden and the impoverished". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
"Photography for me is not looking, it's feeling. If you can't feel what you're looking at, then you're never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures". - Don McCullin, Sleeping With Ghosts : A Life's Work in Photography by Don McCullin (Photographer), Mark Haworth-Booth (Introduction), Donald McCullin , ISBN: 0893816590 , Page: 96
More quotations,Don
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Arm Strom
à l'adresse
2:02 PM
Libellés : Arm, Don McCullinn, photo
"I am the ink in the squid": Grace Jones.
Corporate Cannibal, from the album "Hurricane" 2008.
"State of Grace", by Miranda Sawyer. The Saturday 11th October 2008.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
5:16 AM
Libellés : Arm, avatar, Grace Jones, video
"Virtual Reality Brings Interactive, Immersive Art to the 2009 Festival".
Visit Artropolis, and the online virtual reality environment Brooklyn is watching in Second life.
"Boston Is Watching," Saturday, April 25th, at the Boston Public Library. The event presents in-depth look at a kind of art that is simply not possible in real life. "Boston Is Watching" is a mixed reality presentation, highlighting artwork created in Second Life at Brooklyn is watching.
The snapshot above is my contribution to the project "I,am Not Here". The snapshot was taken inside the installation of Juria Yoshikawa. Photoes of Jurias project, are also shown in real life at CounterpArt Gallery in Lowell MA.
Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
1:55 PM
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Libellés : Arm, Arm Strom, Boston CyberArts Festival, Brooklyn is watching, Juria Yoshikawa
Snapshot: Arm Strom
Theodor Kittelsen, painter (1857-1914). Well known for his illustrations of Trolls among other "things", in the norwegian Fairy Tales collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
2:42 PM
Libellés : Arm
Installation art: Dekka Raymaker
Cartonish and iconic avatars. Hightech equipment. Sharp lines and tools, ... but i could not find the jigsaw.
Do you miss the church? Go there and have a look!
Snapshots: Arm Strom
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:45 PM
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Libellés : Arm, arthole, avatar, Dekka Raymaker
Some statistics for the blogg "Second life at hand". 10034 visits, from the 12. of march 2008 until the 13. of march 2009. Not bad Sofian! Were do we go from here?
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:13 AM
Libellés : Arm, ClustrMaps, statistics
Filthy Fluno and his art in Second life. An interesting link: "Portrait of an Artist as an Avatar", by Sara Corbett. Published: March 5. 2009 in The New York Times.
I found a snapshot in my inventory too, from March 28. 2008 (last year). I wonder why some men approach me with horns and helmets?
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
6:25 AM
Libellés : Arm, avatar, Filthy Fluno, Ichibot Nishi
Snapshots from Brooklyn is Watching (BIW), and some of the art discussed in their Podcast 45 and 46 and shown in the video published at the 13 th of February 2009.
Artists: Ichibot Nishi and Arm Strom. Dekka Raymaker did later on, add his syringes. I think the syringes do contribute to the project in a brilliant way.
Podcasts from Brooklyn is watching. The regulars Jay Van Buren (Jay Newt) and Boris Kizelshteyn were joined by Alpha Auer, the artist and blogger of NPIRL. There was a conversation about the wealth of interesting art on the SIM.
"Every story should have something icky about it, otherwise its not a story": Alpha Auer.
I have removed the teapot with the script. It was partly ment like a disguice for more serious matter. The english word "disguise", was new for me when i started to play in Second life.
Later on i have added a new version of my insect, some sort of a parasitize wasp.
I have a playful aproach to Second life, and here i use a script from Arcadia... I have had a lot of fun with "the animated states of A..." Thank you!
Text and snapshots: Arm Strom.
Podcast BIW 45: 7 th of February 2009: "Every story should have something icky about it, otherwise its not a story".
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
6:20 AM
Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Dekka Raymaker, Ichibot Nishi, Popcha
Snapshots: Arm Strom
In december 2008 there was an artinstallation, "a polkadotproject" under the sealevel.
I meet the artist Ichibot Nishi for the first time. (His/her avatar, left).
Since last summer, i have visited the gallerylandscape "Brooklyn is watching" several times.
This virtual gallery do interact with the gallery "Jack the Pelican Presents" in Brooklyn New York.
In the real life gallery, visitors will be able to see and interact with anything that happens at the sim in second life, on a 52 inch monitor.
I went berserk with my camera,...
Ichibot Nishi is one of my favourite builders in Second life.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
4:54 PM
Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Ichibot Nishi, Popcha
Art: Ichibot Nishi
Snapshots: Arm Strom
Some days ago i put up my yellow and black walls, and got an interesting message from Ichibot Nishi, ... in the shape of a pink chainsaw. Ishibot is one of the artists i really have recognized at Popcha.
It reminds me of the first project i saw by Ichibot Nishi, in july 2008. I wonder what the artist likes to tell us?
When spellchecking some names i found this link: Broocklyn is watching Podcast # 45 from yesterday 7.february 2009.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:02 AM
Libellés : Arm, Brooklyn is watching, Ichibot Nishi, LittleToe Bartlett, Pavig Lok, Popcha