Slideshow and snapshots: Arm Strom
Location: AM-Radio
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Slideshow and snapshots: Arm Strom
Location: AM-Radio
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Arm Strom
à l'adresse
11:41 AM
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"Thesettler" won a prize for his or her video, in "the WeGame video Upload Game" : Spore GP 6.
On this blog at march 19. 2008, Sofian Mannonen told us about the film "The world According to Monsanto" by Marie-Monique Robin.
The film was shown on norwegian television Nrk-2, prime time ...... tonight.
It may have impact!
Norway has not yet fully decided, how to handle import of GMO products. (GMO =Genetically modified organism).
There are scepticism in the population and among researchers, environmentalists and in various agricultural and health organizations..
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Arm Strom
à l'adresse
4:37 PM
A puppetshow for adults
First night friday 12.september 2008, at Oslo Nye-Teaterkjelleren.
At "Bitch Song club", we find really all kinds of women.
Five puppets humansized conveys their stories through song and dance. Here we meet the activist Hilde Hansen, the fotballplayer/supporter Becky Beer, the intellectual Caroline Krüller, the cabaretsinger Elke Sommer and the young newcomer Liss Haugen.
When there are used puppets, the women can bee caricatured,... without beeing "too" rude.
Read what the newspaper Aftenposten wrote abouth the play 08.09.08, ... and in the magazine Blikk.
Translate from norwegian
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Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:18 AM
Hello Sofian. I hope you are fine in your new virtual environment?
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Arm Strom
à l'adresse
3:02 AM
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July 20 - My priest draenei in Azuremyst Isle.
July 21 - In The Exodar, the capital of the draeneis.
July 21 - With my friend Vänsteen in Darkshore.
July 22 - My mage under the rain of Menethil in the Wetlands.
July 22 - My new dwarf hunter, in good company in the inn of Kharanos, in Dun Morogh.
July 24 - The dwarves love playing with fire.
July 24 - Discovery of the tramway between Stormwind and Ironforge, and my dwarf is amazed, but she has nothing to hunt, except for rats.
July 24 - Finally she prefers the inn with her companions, but now she has got a pet and they are reluctant to tease her.
July 24 - And now, my latest creation: the gnome demonist!
July 24 - Surprisingly, nobody dares to bother her when she is with her imp.
July 24 - Magic carpet?
July 26 - At last I always come back to my rogue, here in Un'Goro crater with some good pals.
The best family is the one you create yourself.
In your dreams only.
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10:26 AM
Libellés : WoW
I got an invitation to a Rezzable fashion show. At the Black Swan this time.
Publié par
Arm Strom
à l'adresse
7:42 AM
My rogue and my mage will never meet in-world.
Neither any other alt I could create (I also have started a priest draenei that I will show you soon)
But they can communicate by the way of the mail provided they are in the same faction; alliance characters and hord ones do not speak the same language and cannot understand each other.
July 12 - My mage is trying to reach the moon in the Stonetalon Mountains, so far she is level 32, it's yet a long way to the paradise.
July 12 - Waiting for the boat in Menethil.
July 14 - My rogue prefers to hide in Azshara (she would do better looking back...)
July 18 - The scarlet monastery in Tirisfal Glades.
July 18 - After the raid in the monastery, it's time to put some cash at the bank with my friend Alustriela.
July 20 - Lonesome mage in Arathi Highlands (we can see that it is vacation time, few people in the vicinity)
July 20 - At last, a good bottle of 'Idontknowwhatthefuckitis' at Booty Bay before going to bed.
You know that the day was good when you are still alive.
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à l'adresse
2:51 AM
Libellés : WoW
June 29th - Restful landscape in Westfall.
July 1st - Belly dance in the district of mages in Stormwind (performed by my friend Draïlonasta)
July 4th - Pole dance in Winterspring.
July 5th - Firework in Booty Bay.
July 5th - Fishing in Feralas.
July 6th - Nice landscape in Dustwallow Marsh...
July 6th - One more time, the tram between Stormwind and Ironforge (great, it's free of charge!)
July 7th - Leaving Booty Bay, on the boat and with the Corcovagnome in background.
July 8th - Waiting before entering Zul Farak in Tanaris.
July 10th - With my new friend Jtenc at the inn of Thelsamar in Loch Modan.
July 11th - Queuing at the bank in Stormwind (no, she is not one of my friends...)
July 11th - Star ceiling in Elwynn Forest.
July 11th - Peaceful time near the cathedral of Stormwind (even if I am atheist I like the peace of temples)
Few words and some pics
Are better than nothing.
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10:55 AM
Libellés : WoW
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6:37 AM
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Libellés : aa-en français
Comme je m’y attendais la libération d’Ingrid Bétancourt (avec un seul t) a fait littéralement exploser les statistiques de fréquentation de mon blog « grâce » à mon article du 6 mars dernier.
Mais la surprise vient du fait que les internautes qui arrivent chez moi ont pour la quasi totalité entré dans leur moteur de recherche la suite « liliane betancourt », écrivant parfois bettancourt avec deux t, et quelques rares fois y apposant le prénom d’ingrid…
Il est assez stupéfiant de constater que ces deux femmes qui n’ont apparemment rien à voir entre elles, hormis leur homophonie, puissent être à ce point confondues.
Autrement c’est une très bonne nouvelle, bien entendu, il faut simplement souhaiter que les otages restant aux mains des FARCS ne tomberont pas dans l’oubli.
Il y a fort à parier que nous entendrons moins notre cher président sur le sujet maintenant que sa préférée est sortie d’affaire.
Par ailleurs je me demande quel rôle positif il a bien pu jouer dans tout ça ; il me semble qu’au contraire ses prises de positions pour la libération d’Ingrid Bétancourt n’ont pu que retarder sa libération, faisant monter son prix sur le marché colombien du juteux business de la prise d’otages.
Il paraît évident que le président Uribe avait raison de prêcher la fermeté, même si dans ces conditions il y a toujours un risque que les choses tournent mal pour certains intéressés; mais c’est la seule solution afin d’éviter le fatal engrenage « prise d’otage, libération contre rançon, prise d’otage, etc. »
Nous sommes tous l'otage de quelque chose ou de quelqu'un. Mais nous n'avons pas toujours envie d'être libérés.
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4:01 AM
Libellés : aa-en français
My new sister is a ...
Actually in French it is easy, she is a "mage".
I don't know exactly how to name her in English as I found several translations: mage (in WoW Official Strategy Guide), magus (in Harraps's Compact Dictionnaire), sorcerer (in and warlock (I don't remember where I found this one)
Anyway Manomag is a human mage, whereas my other "alts" are rogue elf (Manonnen) and rogue undead forsaken (Nennonam)
Although my new character can have tremendous powers, she still has to wait for the tram to come.
I knew better means of teleportation, I will have to be patient before getting some special tricks.
No, no, a mage does not have horns that would grow in the open.
And at the end of the day even a mage can be tired and need some deserved rest.
Where are going all this people deserting Second Life?
I hope not in WoW, we are numerous enough.
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2:55 AM
Libellés : WoW
There is one thing WoW has in common with SL.
No, it is not the beauty of the bank front office...
It is the problematic management of your inventory.
Not that you are lost in your numerous items, but instead you dramatically lack room for new stuff.
And my pockets are as empty as an island in SL
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12:04 PM
Libellés : WoW
I wanted to experiment the other side.
My sister is an undead forsaken.
After all, in those second lives we all actually are sort of undead.
Forsaken, it's another story.
Don't be afraid to come and see me.
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à l'adresse
9:13 AM
Libellés : WoW